Online Course

Wellness Burnout Kit
One time
For 3 months

In today's fast-paced world, burnout and emotional exhaustion are becoming increasingly common issues. Fortunately, we've designed an online course to help individuals build a toolkit to mitigate burnout and build emotional resilience. This course provides practical strategies and techniques to help identify and manage stressors, strengthen coping mechanisms, and promote overall wellbeing. The course is designed to be flexible and accessible, allowing learners to complete it at their own pace.


Mental Health First Aid Workshop

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a two day training course, which is similar to Standard First Aid/CPR. MHFA gives you the knowledge and the skills to assist someone in a mental health crisis. This course comes with certification from the Mental Health Commission of Canada and is also part of the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. This training program is highly praised and constantly growing. It is the only international mental health training program that is being delivered in 25 countries around the world.

Wellness is a Process Workshop

Change the way you feel, by changing the way you think! This workshop focuses on retraining our brain to focus on the positive. We talk about mindful activities and how we can practice. We introduce thought patterns and how to separate situations, moods and thoughts. We encourage vulnerability and the importance of courageous conversations.

Anti-Racism & Diversity Workshop

Through interactive activities and facilitated discussions, we explore the value of diversity, promoting empathy, and building strong teams through shared experiences. Our workshops provide a safe space for individuals to explore their biases, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a culture of inclusivity. By embracing diversity, organizations can unlock the full potential of their workforce, leading to improved innovation, increased productivity, and a stronger sense of community.